Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Zealand - Greenstone/Caples Tramp

Initial tramp in New Zealand to help improve our fitness. A 5-day tramp up the Caples Valley and down the Greenstone Valley between West Coast and Central Otago. Base town was Queenstown with access via Glenorchy.

We had clear and calm conditions to entire time. This is a great introduction to New Zealand tramping.

Melissa resting on the porch at the Upper Caples Hut with peaks of the Alisa Mountains in the background.

Sub-alpine region of the Mckellar Saddle.

For more images of this tramp goto the fowllowing link -> PicasaWeb Album of Greenstone Caples Tramp.

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

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