Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Zealand - Korako Glacier

Five day attempt on the remote Korako Glacier in the Central Darran Mountains of Fiordland NP. In fine weather we bush-bashed for six hours to establish a camp below the glacier.

Camp1. Below the Korako Glacier (unseen).
The next morning we headed up the valley towards Mount Revelation.Climbing steeply on tussock and rock slopes we reached the col at midday.

Melissa happily reaching the col after a hard climb. The unammed glacier looms in the background.

Brad scoping a route from the col with the Lake Adelaide Basin in the background.
From here we ascended dry rock slabs towards the glacier. We decided to turn back approx 100m from the Korako Glacier icefall, due to slippery slab rock. We decended to camp completing an 11 hour climb.

The next day we moved our camp below Mount Revelation and the small unnamed glacier, which was our new focus. 

Camp3 below the Mount Revelation and the unnamed glacier.
That afternoon we ascended towards the unnamed glacier to find our rock-ice interface for our ascent the following morning.

We started early on the morning of 23rd March with the glacier in shadow for another 5 hours. We gained the top of the unnamed glacier fairly easily and enjoyed ourselves together for the last time on earth.

Topping out on the unnamed glacier with spectacular view of the Lake Adelaide Basin.
For more images of this tramp goto the following page -> PicasaWeb Album of Korako Glacier

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

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