Saturday, August 20, 2011

FSAR Equipment - Tribute to Melissa

We are pleased that the $5000NZD that was raised at Melissa's service has been used by the Fiordland SAR to purchase additional equipment such as high quality ice screws, crampons, harnesses, and ice axes/hammers. This will greatly help FSAR personel to return home safely after perfoming remote and sometimes dangerous rescues.

The new alpine equipment for the Fiordland SAR.
The FSAR have been able to establish two complete bags of climbing equipment. Upon which Melissa's name was engraved as a tribute in her memory. This allows Melissa's name and memory to continue to be carried into the remote alpine regions of New Zealand while helping others. Melissa always got fulfilment and joy from both exploring alpine areas and helping others.

Equipment bag for use in FSAR Rescue, which is identified using Melissa's name.

In Memory of Melissa . . .

Thank you to Stewart who helped in many ways!

Stews Place..........Stews Place
P.O.Box 158.........8 Caswell Rd
Te Anau 9640......Te Anau 9600
03 249 8363.........021 612 061

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Zealand (Te Anau) - Tribute to Melissa

I have returned to Te Anau with Melissa's sister, Donna and her husband Jeff to pay tribute to Melissa.

Over $5000NZD was raised at Melissa's service for the Fiordland SAR. Donna and I presented the funds as a donation to Stewart who help in my rescue upon the unnamed glacier on March 23rd 2011. The funding is aimed at providing additional equipment such as ice screws, crampons, harnesses, and ice axes/hammers so Fiordland SAR personel can return home safely after perfoming remote and sometiems dangerous rescues.

Donna and I presenting donations to Stewart of Fiordland SAR
Using local helicopter services we returned to the Korako and unnamed glacier in the central Darran Mountains of Fiordland National Park to pay tribute to Melissa.

Donna and I laying flowers upon the tent site that Melissa and I established below the remote Mount Revelation and Korako Glacier.
Flowers upon our tent site. Lower portion of unnamed glacier in the background.
The upper portion of the currently unnamed glacier as we flew away in the helicopter.

In addition to presenting the donation and making the extremely difficult and emotional visit to the unnamed glacier,  we also consulted with the local community, Department of Conservation, Iwi and authorities as part of a proposal being compiled for the naming of the currently unnamed glacier.

Related Media Links:
1. Southland Times. (Weblink: Southland Times, Page 1, May 4th 2011).

2. Fiordland Advocate. (Weblink: Fiordland Advocate, Page 17, May 5th 2011).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Australia - Melissa's Order Of Service

Front and Rear pages

Inside Pages
Melissa's Card


28.3.1972 – 23.3.2011


Higher resolution images of Melissa's Order of Service can be downloaded -> Order of Service

New Zealand - Korako Glacier

Five day attempt on the remote Korako Glacier in the Central Darran Mountains of Fiordland NP. In fine weather we bush-bashed for six hours to establish a camp below the glacier.

Camp1. Below the Korako Glacier (unseen).
The next morning we headed up the valley towards Mount Revelation.Climbing steeply on tussock and rock slopes we reached the col at midday.

Melissa happily reaching the col after a hard climb. The unammed glacier looms in the background.

Brad scoping a route from the col with the Lake Adelaide Basin in the background.
From here we ascended dry rock slabs towards the glacier. We decided to turn back approx 100m from the Korako Glacier icefall, due to slippery slab rock. We decended to camp completing an 11 hour climb.

The next day we moved our camp below Mount Revelation and the small unnamed glacier, which was our new focus. 

Camp3 below the Mount Revelation and the unnamed glacier.
That afternoon we ascended towards the unnamed glacier to find our rock-ice interface for our ascent the following morning.

We started early on the morning of 23rd March with the glacier in shadow for another 5 hours. We gained the top of the unnamed glacier fairly easily and enjoyed ourselves together for the last time on earth.

Topping out on the unnamed glacier with spectacular view of the Lake Adelaide Basin.
For more images of this tramp goto the following page -> PicasaWeb Album of Korako Glacier

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

New Zealand - Mount Talbot Massif

Three day climb on Mount Talbot in the Central Darran Mountains of Fiordland NP. Our base was the NZAC Homer Hut. After a day of heavy rain a small weather window became available and we walked from Homer Hut to the Gertrude Saddle.

Melissa enjoying the view from Gertrude Saddle
In fine conditions we continued from Gertrude saddle and ascended towards the summit ridge of Mount Talbot. This required stright forward scrambling techniques across dry slabs.

Melissa scrambling up dry slabs towards summit ridge of Mount Talbot. Gertrude saddle can be seen below.
Brad sitting in front of old ice below Mount Talbot Massif
After summiting we then descended to the Gertrude saddle, Black lake, the Gertrude valley and back into Homer Hut.

Melissa below Mount Talbot Massif
We decided not to gain access into the Moraine Creek area and Korako Glacier using the Gertrude saddle, Barrier Knob and Giffords crack route. It was very exposed.

So, the next morning we drove into the lower Hollyford valley and to Moraine creek. The aim was to investigate the track towards the Korako glacier. We spent about 4 hours bush-bashing. Progress was slow but it was do-able even with heavy packs. Since the weather pattern was deteriotaing we decided to return in three days and head for the remote Korako Glacier for a 5 day attempt.

For more images of this tramp goto the following page -> PicasaWeb Album of Mount Talbot

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Zealand - Mount Burns

Four day mountaineering attempt on Mount Burns in the Southern Alps and Mount Cook NP. Our base town was Mt Cook Village. We climbed from Mt Cook Village to Mueller Hut (1830m) and were then trapped in the hut for two days due to a severe storm front (>140km/hr winds). As shown in our video below.

A weather window appeared on the 3rd day and we left the hut ascending towards the Annette Glacier using the high route below Mount Olliver and Mount Kitchener. Unfortunately further access to the Metelille and Sladden Glaciers was not possible via Annette due to open crevasses.

Melissa enjoying the views from the top of the Annette Glacier.

 Making the decision to turn back we established camp at 1830m to wait out another severe storm front with winds again upto 120km/hr (according to the Mt Cook NP weather report). Knowing this we took measures to ensure our camp survived the night using heavy rock anchors and suitable tent orientation.

Camp below the Annette Glacier at (1850m). We were later hit by a fierce storm all night. But the mighty Macpac Olympus and generous boulder supports and guides handled easily.

View from the rear door of Mount Cook.
The next morning we descended the high route to Mueller Hut and Cook village.

The DOC later told us that two Australian's attempting to climb Mount Malte Brun (also in Mt Cook NP) did not have such a comfortable night when their tent was completely destroyed and had to activate their emergency beacon to be rescued by helicopter!

We plan to attempt Mount Burns via the low route from Mueller Glacier in a few weeks time. However we may again be turned back due to open crevasses and glacial retreat.

For more images of this tramp goto the following page -> PicasaWeb Album of Mount Burns

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

New Zealand - Plunket Ice Dome

Five day Mountaineering on the Plunket Ice Dome located above the West Matukituki Valley. Base town was Wanaka village. We tramped from Raseberry carpark to the NZAC Aspiring Hut. We ascended the very steep Cascade Saddle route from 430m to 1850m. Following this we establish a base camp beside Cascade creek for our mountaineering adventures on Plunket Ice dome.

After traversing the Governors Ridge to the base of Plunket Dome we roped-up and began ascending the Reid Glacier towards the summit of Plunket Dome. At about 30m from the summit we were forced to begin our descent due to very open crevasses, a large bergschrund and lack of time. However the weather was kind to us and we received good views to higher peaks and the Matukituki valley some 1.6km below.

On the fourth night we were kept awake from 2am to 5am by a Kea, which was relentless in its pursuit of destroying our equipment. The damn parrot was possessed!

Exhausted from lack of sleep we descended to the valley floor on the fifth day.

Brad transitioning from ridge to glacier for the ascent of Plunket Ice dome

Melissa looking up the heavily crevassed Plunket Dome.

Melissa near the summit of Plunket Dome. A large burgshrund and time halted our progress.

Suspect Tent Vandal

Brad back down in the Matukituki Valley with Plunket Dome, Islington Dome (2425) and Mount Barff (2252m) running from left to right.

For more images of this tramp goto the following page -> PicasaWeb Album of Plunket Ice Dome

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

New Zealand - Greenstone/Caples Tramp

Initial tramp in New Zealand to help improve our fitness. A 5-day tramp up the Caples Valley and down the Greenstone Valley between West Coast and Central Otago. Base town was Queenstown with access via Glenorchy.

We had clear and calm conditions to entire time. This is a great introduction to New Zealand tramping.

Melissa resting on the porch at the Upper Caples Hut with peaks of the Alisa Mountains in the background.

Sub-alpine region of the Mckellar Saddle.

For more images of this tramp goto the fowllowing link -> PicasaWeb Album of Greenstone Caples Tramp.

Static view of the Route

For a Dynamic view of the route using Google Maps, Click here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Zealand (Queenstown / Wanaka / Te Anau)

After collecting a lot of new kit in Christchurch we are now in Queenstown.

We plan to use Queenstown, Wanaka and Te Anau as our base towns for the next three months.